机械特点 ■ 半自动精密型倒角,人工进料、自动夹钳、自动进退刀。 ■夹模与刀盘经过精巧的设计,确保加工物件与刀盘的中心线 准确不变。可以一次均匀地完成管端的外角,内角及管端的 加工。 ■利用皮带轮的变化可转换多个转速,适应各种不同材质的金 属材料,取得最长的刀具寿命。 ■ Manual feeding, automatic clamping pliers, automatic retracting knife. ■ Clamping die and knife plate after a delicate design, to ensure that the machining of the center line of the cutter and the center line of the same. Can a uniform completion pipe end corners, angles and pipe end processing. ■ The use of belt round of changes can be converted to a variety of different speed, to adapt to a variety of different materials of metal materials, the longest tool life. |